
CGU student study abroad report from Tennessee Wesleyan University

  • 2022.11.15
  • 国際交流関係

It has already been 3 months since I found my place out of my motherland. I am blessed to be here and spend time with many thoughtful people.

I am an English major at Nagasaki Wesleyan University (NWU), but I major in Special Education here at Tennessee Wesleyan University (TWU), which is my minor at NWU. English is my interest and Special Education Class teacher is my dream job. I have found some differences in Education between Japan and the US which are always interesting to me because it is the main purpose of my study abroad. My professors always care about me, and I never hesitate to ask questions about the class content. Dr. Patricia Ging- a Professor of Special Education- answers all of my questions about special education from her studies and her experiences working with students with special needs at school. Dr. Beau Whitsett- an Assistant Professor of Education- was funny to scare me with a trick toy, so I also tried to get him in, and it was successful.

To be honest, I was very sad and anxious for the first few days because I came here earlier than most students and had no friends, but someone named Zane talked to me, and he became my first friend. Since then, I am often with the track and field team because Zane is a member of the team. One day, one of my friends from the team, Nathan, drove me to the first KFC restaurant, and I was very excited to see a lot of stuff Colonel Sanders used. It was funny that Nathan looks like him. I can’t help laughing when I’m with them.

On my 7th day here, Martin and his friends invited me to eat dinner together because I was alone in the dining hall, and they soon became my best friends. One day, Chloe, the sunshine of ours, and her parents, Stephanie and Jimmy, hosted us at an amazing place on a mountain, and we spent one night there. I saw a lot of beautiful things such as the starry sky and the sunrise. At night, Chloe asked each of us whether we wanted her to wake us up the following morning, but she woke up last and missed the sunrise. I have already made uncountable memories with this friend group so far. They brighten my days.

I have made some more essential people here. Dr. Elizabeth Ruleman and the family of Humbert are my support families that were assigned by TWU. Dr. Ruleman is not only one of my local mothers but also the former study abroad coordinator who made the contract for this exchange program with NWU. She takes care of me a lot and she took me to a physician when I was sick. She is so helpful that I feel free to talk to her when I have a problem. Talking about another family of mine, I often call the mother and the father of Humbert, mom, and dad. One day, my mom and dad invited me when they planned to carve pumpkins, and I enjoyed it with my mom, dad, and four lovely siblings. I can’t stop loving them because I am sure that I am the luckiest international student to have the two best support families.

The most important thing to say is that I am so proud of being an exchange student from Nagasaki Wesleyan University. I love to tell the story of Cobleigh Seminary, now Chinzei Gakuin and NWU, which was established by the Relevant Dr. Carroll Summerfield Long, who was sent in by East Tennessee Wesleyan University, now TWU. I visited and prayed at his grave on the day of the foundation of Cobleigh Seminary with two of my friends, Chloe and Josie, Dr. Ruleman, and staff. I was so impressed to be there and naturally said, “I am here because of you.” to Dr. Long. Also, I visited Dr. Tyler Forrest- the President of TWU- on the day before and I appreciate him for telling me that he would do anything he could to make the relationship between TWU and Chinzei Gakuin/NWU stronger.

Luckily, I have so many good friends and professors that I can’t mention all of them in this article. It makes me sad to think that the day comes to leave my favorite people since I found my place here.

   Josie- the cleverest friend of mine- checked this article and made my English writing more natural.






鎮西学院大学の交換留学生として、ここに来られたことをとても誇りに思います。東テネシー・ウエスレヤン大学 (現:テネシー・ウエスレヤン大学) から派遣されたキャロル・サマーフィールド・ロング牧師によって設立された、カブリー英和学校(現:鎮西学院)の話を色々な人にしています。鎮西学院の創立記念日には、友達のクロエとジョージーとルールマン博士と職員さんとロング博士のお墓に行き、お祈りをしました。お墓の前に立った時は感動で胸がいっぱいになり、英語で「あなたがいたから、ここに来られたのです。」と自然と口に出していました。また、前日にはタイラー・フォレスト学長先生を訪問し、「鎮西学院とテネシー・ウエスレヤン大学の関係をより強固なものにするために尽力する」と言ってくださいました。
